Västgöta nation men’s choir; Korgossarna
A men’s choir, a tradition, a necessity. What would Uppsala’s student life be without Västgöta nations men’s choir Korgossarna?
The choir is always set on new goals and is considered one of Uppsala’s better choirs, with victories in different choir competitions in Europe in our bag and a strong ambition. We always strive to improve ourselves and our singers while maintaining a closeness to our social tradition and responsiveness. Something that characterizes the choir is that we entertain during nation parties and hold concerts regularly to heighten the mood in Uppsala. The repertoire is hard to pin down, but it suits both cathedrals and smaller formal occasions at the nation.
Korgossarna has a long tradition of entertaining large and small events, jubilee’s and graduation parties, disputation dinners, gasques and dinners etc. The audience is always left with a smile on their lips. If you are interested in hiring the choir or are interested in joining, contact our president. Rehearsals are held on Sundays in the nations banquet hall from 6pm to 9pm.
Email: ordf@vgmk.se